4 JavaScript Void (0) Fixes [SOLUTIONS] The Error Code Pros


In the world of SEO, having crawlable links is crucial for search engines to index and rank your website. However, there is a common issue that many website owners face – links that are not crawlable, specifically those using “javascript:void” as the href attribute. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this problem and explore potential solutions.

What is “javascript:void”?

When you come across a link with “javascript:void” in the href attribute, it means that the link is being handled by JavaScript code instead of directly pointing to a specific URL. This technique is often used to trigger certain actions or events on a webpage without causing a full page reload.

The Issue with “javascript:void” Links

While “javascript:void” links can be useful for enhancing user experience and interactivity on a website, they pose a challenge for search engines. Crawlers typically follow HTML links to discover and index content, but they struggle with JavaScript-based links as they cannot execute the underlying code.

Why Are Crawlable Links Important?

Crawlable links are essential for search engine optimization as they allow search engine bots to navigate through your website and discover its pages. When links are crawlable, search engines can index your content, understand its relevance, and rank it accordingly in search results.

The Impact on SEO

If a significant portion of your website’s links are not crawlable due to the use of “javascript:void,” search engines may struggle to index your content accurately. This can result in lower visibility and rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Potential Solutions

Fortunately, there are several ways to address the issue of links not being crawlable in JavaScript:void. Here are a few potential solutions:

1. Using Semantic HTML

Instead of relying heavily on JavaScript for navigation and interactivity, consider utilizing semantic HTML elements such as ,

Empty href attribute results in “Links are not crawlable” error · Issue


In the world of SEO, having crawlable links is crucial for search engines to index and rank your website. However, there is a common issue that many website owners face – links that are not crawlable, specifically those using “javascript:void” as the href attribute. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind this problem and explore potential solutions.

What is “javascript:void”?

When you come across a link with “javascript:void” in the href attribute, it means that the link is being handled by JavaScript code instead of directly pointing to a specific URL. This technique is often used to trigger certain actions or events on a webpage without causing a full page reload.

The Issue with “javascript:void” Links

While “javascript:void” links can be useful for enhancing user experience and interactivity on a website, they pose a challenge for search engines. Crawlers typically follow HTML links to discover and index content, but they struggle with JavaScript-based links as they cannot execute the underlying code.

Why Are Crawlable Links Important?

Crawlable links are essential for search engine optimization as they allow search engine bots to navigate through your website and discover its pages. When links are crawlable, search engines can index your content, understand its relevance, and rank it accordingly in search results.

The Impact on SEO

If a significant portion of your website’s links are not crawlable due to the use of “javascript:void,” search engines may struggle to index your content accurately. This can result in lower visibility and rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Potential Solutions

Fortunately, there are several ways to address the issue of links not being crawlable in JavaScript:void. Here are a few potential solutions:

1. Using Semantic HTML

Instead of relying heavily on JavaScript for navigation and interactivity, consider utilizing semantic HTML elements such as ,